
Friday, February 1, 2013

Did I mention my Mom is staying with us??

**disclaimer alert** I love my Mother. I seriously do... so very much, and probably more than she thinks I do.
So .. a little background for ya...  I don't do overnight guests well (besides kiddos, I like them ok) .. and I hate when my house is a wreck. Like really HATE it.. it puts me in a sour mood and makes me feel like things are spinning out of control. I am a Type A, Virgo chick.. I like order and tidiness and organization. I have four kids but my car stays super clean... I sweep my feet off before climbing into bed, and flatten the sheets before lying down..I insist on putting all groceries away so that I can make sure they get put on the right shelves and in the right spots of the fridge.. I am a freak, and I know it. I just like my shit tidy. Well, my Mom doesn't share this same philosophy. At least not when she is in my home. Mom watches the baby everyday for us. She comes to our home and allows him to spend his days playing in his own room, and outside in his own yard, and he's away from the germ infested daycare! So, I am very grateful she she is there to do that for us. When I come home from work she sometimes will have the house picked up, aaannnndd sometimes will not. lol  I am ok with this, because she goes home and I can do recon on the house and continue about my night. Well, she is in between apartments and is staying with us for a few weeks until her new one is ready. I love the company, and she does so much for the kids, so I have been REALLY trying to not worry about the small stuff. Just like the book... not sweating things that would normally throw me into a shitty mood. But this morning, as I walked through my house I was reminded of all of the things that have transpired over this week. The mud from the dog that gets let in without having her feet cleaned; the small black circles that I assume are the spilled coffee (and she is a "mostly sugar with a little bit of coffee" person.. the crap is caffeinated syrup!); a very large stain on my beige couch (still haven't got an answer on that one yet); little foil balls from her Hershey kiss/Reese cups addiction; But the one that really got to me this morning was this:
What is this you ask?? Well, this would be my new white kitchen towels, with her coffee spoon resting on it. I just bought a new pack because all of my other kitchen towels were ruined as well! They like to wash Braeden off after lunch with a kitchen towel.. they wet it all up, and then proceed to remove the Chef Boyardee/ketchup/chocolate pudding from the kid. And no matter how many times we ask them to grab a baby wipe or a paper towel, I still find them in the laundry. But I accepted that too, I mean .. they are cleaning the baby.. I can let it go. But the coffee spoon?? This towel is sitting next to the paper towel dispenser! lol Did this really anger me this morning?? No... but it could have, had it not been for what happened next. <there's more to this Ransom rant??> So, I am on my way into the baby's room to hang up a shirt and I swing open his closet door and nearly died. No really... I screamed and I am pretty sure my heart stopped! This is what I saw:
Yeah, it's hair. Her wig.. dangling on the door. Could've been a burglar for all I knew. That was enough to make me laugh... And remind me that it isn't always going to be messy in my house. My mom will move to her apartment... she'll continue to get older, and many years from now all we'll have left is the memories of our parents. And all the crazy things they did. So, I will suck it up and pick up her foil candy balls, and mop the floor AGAIN... and then remember that I could either choose to be upset at the small stuff, or I can enjoy having her around and sharing conversations that are long overdue. Today I choose the latter.
So it's Friday and I am HAPPY for the weekend to be here! Hope you have a good one too.

xoxo - SR


  1. Fucking beautiful!! Puts it exactly as it is. I actually saw that towel this morning, but knew it's day wasn't over. And your pic has about twice the coffee stains it did when I saw it just an hour earlier. That wig though takes the cake.

    1. Yeah, it was pretty bad! Lol But our house is a home, with 4 kids and a dog anda mother in law I should have warned you more about.
